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Campus Experience

2021.09 - Present     Zhejiang University Computer Science and Technology

Project Experience

Team-Scouter: Simulative Visual Analytics of Soccer Player Scouting

Team-Scouter: Simulative Visual Analytics of Soccer Player Scouting

2024.1 - 2024.3

The project introduces a visual analytics method for soccer player scouting based on match simulation, utilizing a two-level match simulation framework and a visual analytics system called Team-Scouter to aid coaches and analysts in identifying potential players suitable for a team and comparing their historical and expected performances. The paper is currently under submission ( lEEE VIS 2024 ).

Visual Analysis System for Soccer Tactics

Visual Analysis System for Soccer Tactics

2023.10 - 2024.1

The project uses data mining algorithms to extract tactical patterns and sequences from soccer match data, and designs effective visualization elements to present the tactics of different teams in the 2017-18 Premier League. The project uses React as a front-end framework.

Augmented Reality of Cultural Relics Visual Analysis

Augmented Reality of Cultural Relics Visual Analysis


As the project leader, I participated in the SRTP undergraduate research training program, and Professor Wu Yingcai served as the project supervisor. At this stage, we have completed the pre-treatment, surface splicing of the fragments of the artefacts and 3D visualization. In the next phase, we plan to implement an augmented reality-based visual analysis system for artifacts.

MiniSQL Database Management System

MiniSQL Database Management System


A streamlined single-user SQL engine, MiniSQL, was designed and implemented. MiniSQL implements database data definition, data manipulation, data control, and data abstraction.

IoT Device Management Platform

IoT Device Management Platform


Implement an IoT device management website using web development techniques. The technology stack used in the project is as follows: front-end: React + Ant Design + React-Router + AutoNavi Map SDK + npm, back-end: Java Spring Boot + Maven + JDBC, MQTT server: Eclipse Mosquitto, database: MySQL.

Relevant Skills

  • Languages: Strong reading, writing and speaking competencies for English, Mandarin Chinese. IELTS scores: 6.5(6).
  • Coding: Java, Python, C, Cpp, SQL, …
  • Web Dev: Html, css, JavaScript, React, …
  • Misc.: Academic research, LATEX typesetting and publishing, …

Honors and Certificates

  • 2022: Pacesetter of academic excellence, Zhejiang University.
  • 2022: Third-class Scholarship, Zhejiang University.
  • 2023: Pacesetter of academic excellence, Zhejiang University.


  • Good programming foundation: Have a solid programming foundation, and can skillfully apply various programming languages for program development and design.
  • Learning enthusiasm and self-learning ability: Have a strong interest in exploring knowledge, have a strong self-learning ability, can actively think and solve problems assigned by the tutor.
  • Positive and optimistic attitude: Have a positive and optimistic attitude towards learning and work, can face challenges and maintain a good mentality.
  • Good communication and cooperation skills: Have good communication skills and teamwork spirit, willing to actively communicate and cooperate with classmates, and promote team collaboration efficiency.